Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I've got a Case of the Thirties...


30 days ago, I got the most painful injury of my life (a really bad sprain which luckily was not a torn ankle ligament). 30 days later, it's still swollen. Thirty days from now... my goal is to be either walking or walk/running my first half marathon! 2013 is the year to overcome these thirties!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thank you + an ankle update :)

Thank you to EVERYONE who attended our happy hour on 12/7.  It was an amazing success, and I was able to raise a ton of money.  The space was really cool, and people were really loving the food from the tequeria next door!  We stayed and danced the evening away and everyone had a really great time (and some folks won some awesome raffle prizes too!)

I'm back in Singapore now, and my ankle is quickly getting better.  That said, my right foot is almost like dead weight to the point that when someone is about to step on it, or I'm about to drop something, my reflexes just aren't working quick enough to get my foot out of the way.  (either it's the injury, or I'm now just a million times more sensitive to the fact that I have a sprained ankle, and I keep dropping things on my foot.)

Yesterday was my first full workout since my last swim in NYC (about 2 weeks ago).  I was able to do 40minutes in the pool (plus some) and swam just shy of a mile.  I was worried that my ankle would start acting up, but luckily I was able to pull through and really get going!  The pool here (pictured above) is absolutely beautiful and slightly longer than the Y I go to, so I was really enjoying myself.  Looking around at all the guys around me, I was definitely one of the better swimmers, and probably the one with the most endurance (which doesn't say a lot since I'm still a weaker swimmer, and about 20-30 years younger than most of the guys that were there...) Excited to get running again soon! My ankle feels like it's at about 75%!

It's a busy month for sure, but Bermuda is right around the corner!  This is what my travel looks like through the end of January, but I'm thrilled to finally have BERMUDA in my list of upcoming trips!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Hour!

My teammates, Marilyn and Crissel, and I are holding a happy hour on Friday, 12/7 and I hope that you, your friends/families/coworkers/fellow athletes will come join us!

The event is at 200 Orchard in the LES (steps from the 2nd Avenue subway stop) and starts at 5:45, with happy hour prices till 8pm! There will also be $5 'Bermuda Triangle' cocktails all night. We have a private room to ourselves till 10pm, and then we can stay as long as we want even after that as the DJ spins! This place has a BYOFood option, or you can have food delivered right to the bar, so you should be set if you want to eat!  Items that will be raffled off during the event are graphic design products from CMYK+White (designplusshop.com), Body Shop gift set, a gift card to Body Rock Sport (http://www.bodyrocksport.com), and more! Raffle tickets are now available and are priced as the following and can be bought at our workplaces, social events, or at GTS!
  • $10 for 5 tickets
  • $20 for 12 tickets (2 bonus tickets!)
  • $40 for 25 tickets (5 bonus tickets!)
See you Friday!
FACEBOOK INVITE: https://www.facebook.com/events/404457906289108 (please invite your friends and have them rsvp too!)

  • Professional hair product from Schwarzkopf Gift Basket
  • $90 gift card to spend at www.BodyRockSport.com 
  • American Apparel T-shirts: Toddler t-shirts (size 4 white tees, size 6 green tee) & Mens' dark grey size M t-shirt
  • "I'm not an old bag!" Eco Tote bag
  • 10-piece Body Shop Moisturizing Body Care Collection.
Prizes will be selected in order of when the winners' ticket was selected. Winning ticket holders not present will be eligible to win the final prize left after selections are made... so get thee to our Happy Hour!

Professional Hair Product Gift Basket from SCHWARZKOPF



Saturday, December 1, 2012

9 mile walk GTS!

I might have a little soccer injury, but that's not going to keep me from GTS!  I did the Brooklyn GTS this morning, crossing the Manhattan Bridge, walking to the Willamsburg Bridge, and then back to Fort Greene.  My ankle is getting a little bit better, and I'm optimistic for Bermuda!   

Here's a shot from our 9mile walk.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Fundraisin' for Bermuda! T-shirt Fundraiser and Happy Hour!

You could be one of my proud sponsors in the 20-miler Bermuda Triangle Challenge, Jan 2013! Buy this custom-designed shirt -- it's only $25 and funds raised go to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!

CHECK IT OUT!: http://bit.ly/TShirtOrderForm. SERIOUSLY! Check it out!

The first order goes in on 11/26 night, and I hope your shirt order will make it with the cut! I'm also doing a Happy Hour with two other TNTers in 2 weeks, and we're raffling off some items, such as gift certificates and other items. Can't wait!

I'm proud of how much I have been able to run recently, though I have to take it a little easy after a bad soccer sprain, I'm hoping to be back on my feet in a week!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Missing workouts!

It's been a rough week so far as I'm in the middle of our major conference week "Ad:Tech".  It's long days of meeting with clients and other industry folks, and in some cases, getting into deep product and roadmap conversations.  I ran on Saturday in the 5K, and added an extra loop after that, but that was the last time I worked out.  Sunday - Wednesday have been a wash, and today was supposed to be a group training session, but it's been snowing in NYC like it's nobody's business.  I barely made it out of Javits unscathed by the snow.

Tomorrow I have soccer practice, and it's possible on Friday I'll get a workout in, before Saturday GTS.  Wish me luck, and support the cause, please!!!!

Here's a picture from our 10/27 Brooklyn Bridge team run.  I'm way too happy for 9am on a Saturday, but maybe that's not a bad thing. :)

Stay running,

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Training and fundraising, post-Sandy

I didn't workout all week as a result of Sandy. I had done a quick run on Monday night before the storm hit, because I was having a little cabin fever after cooping myself up for 2 days. The storm did not impact me directly, but the loss of life and property is still going up, and it's hard to think about enjoying myself when there are so many others around who are struggling.

I worked from home all week, and was working approximately 10-12 hour days, when i was feeling up to it. I have a sinus infection that I have been attempting to stave off, but it's been a full week of feeling sinus pressure.

I still really wanted to make it out to Saturday practice though. It was the first day that Prospect Park was open, and the first day that we were able to survey the damage.

I still need to fundraise, and I know it is going to be difficult in the aftermath of Sandy, but life doesnt stop and the medicines and treatments for cancer patients are still needed. Please support me and support the cause! http://pages.teamintraining.org/nyc/berhm10k13/sarahthomas

Yesterday, the team did a 5K+ race in Prospect Park to benefit the park and we got to see the damage up close and personal. The power of Sandy is unimaginable. The team also brought donations for Sandy victims: canned foods, blankets, batteries, and other goods which willbe distributed in BK and Staten Island. I am PROUD to be a part of such an awesome philanthropic group of people. GO TEAM. (Here's a picture from our brunch after the raise, where we had a really helpful group conversation about fundraising.)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

From Brooklyn to Central Park.... with love!

That's right! Today, we had a group training session (GTS), where we ran from Brooklyn Bridge (yes, we met at the Shake Shack) all the way up and through Manhattan to Central Park/Columbus Circle.  We paired off, and I ran with my running buddy, Marilyn for the duration of that 6mile run.  It's nice running with Marilyn as she runs about my pace (I might be slightly faster, but we'll see on race day!).

Running through Times Square on a Saturday morning at 9/9:30am is NOT my idea of fun, and yet, I got a thrill out of sprinting through the streets, whizzing by confused tourists.  "People work out in Times Square?" I think was the comment I heard.  The response, "Yeah.... wait! I know her! That's Sarah!"  I love a small world.  I ran into the girlfriend of a coworker who had done the triathlon with me.  I however was so set on getting out of Times Square as soon as possible, that I told her I sent her a message on Facebook, and off we ran!  It probably took us a little over 1:20 to do the route, but there was a ton of traffic, pedestrians, and there's definitely a steep incline getting over the bridge and when headed uptown.

After the run, we united with the Manhattan GTS group and went to "Connection to the Cause", where we heard a cancer survivor talk about his experience with Team In Training, how it's impacted his life, and how it is an awesome organization.  Every time I hear someone tell their story, I'm always in tears.  This story really hit home with me, because he started talking about actual numbers, like the maximum lifetime deductible on his insurance, and the price of the $125 pill that he has to take every single day of the rest of his life, so $125 x 30days x 12months x Xyears when X is the rest of your life.  How can anyone afford medicine if that's what going to keep them alive to be with their family and watch their daughter grow up?

I hope you'll consider donating to Team In Training and to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I have met so many cancer survivors and families of cancer patients, that it's unreal.  We're all impacted, and we're all capable of helping, regardless of who we are, where we come from, how much money we make, and how long we're going to live.


Sandy will probably hit us tomorrow or the next day.  Lots of nervousness all around, but tonight, we celebrate Halloween.

PS -- Does anyone read me?  I'd love to know your thoughts, or if you have any questions.  I'll probably keep rambling anyway, but knowing that someone is out there would be nice. (insert Julia/Julia quote here...)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Group Trainings

This past Saturday my heel was feeling a little better, so I decided to could do part of the GTS.  I biked to and from practice, which was about a 5-6mile bike ride, did a half loop of the park, and then met up with everyone.  I still haven't gotten down the ability to figure out what to wear to a cold-weather workout, since I've never really worked out in the cold.

I ran with one of my new TNT friends, Ryan, who I think probably normally runs a 7minute mile.  He took it easy on me, and we were doing a 9:35minute mile for about 3/4s of a loop (so approximately 2.5 miles at that pace).  I started to slow him down at the end, and told him he should 'leave me'! I always like to make it a dramatic statement like I'm being left behind with no hope, and it amuses me everytime.  I've done similar things in races that I've completed with friends, because I tend to be the slower of most people I know.  These days I average about a 10-10:30minute mile, though last weekend with Marilyn and I ran, we were doing a 9:30 for a good part, and my watch told me our max was a 6:30 sprint bit.

It's been a good 3 weeks so far, but I want to really ramp it up in the next month or so.

Stay healthy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

High knees, karaoke, skipping, and butt kicks...

Last night, we had our 2nd Wednesday workout, and it was a good one!

We did skipped, ran, jogged, karaoke-ed/grapevined, side-skipped, high kneed, and butt-kicked our way through our hour long workout!  I can't believe how dark Prospect Park can get, but it was a fun little workout, where we were alternating  between running and one of the aforementioned exercises at every other lamppost.

Sadly, now, I have a bruise on the botton of one of my heels. boo.
Here's a useful video I found:  http://www.active.com/running/Articles/5-Steps-to-Proper-Running-Form.htm

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Run-Walk, Success!

This Saturday, Marilyn and I ran-walked 6.5 miles in about 70minutes.  What does this mean? We were going faster than my normal 10.30 minute mile!  Our coaches explained to us that the run/walk concept allows you to actually go farther and faster than you would by going slow and steady the entire time, and it actually worked really well.

Fundraising though, is a whole 'nother obstacle that I haven't been able to crack yet this season.  That said, a lot of folks don't realize how far their donation can go.


The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to
funding blood cancer research, patient services, and education. Our mission is to cure leukemia,
lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and myeloma and to improve the quality of life of our patients and their
families. An estimated 957,902 people are currently living with a blood cancer in the United States
alone. Since being founded in 1949, the Society has awarded over $814 million in research grants.

How Your Donation Can Help
Donations support research that helps develop new treatments for blood cancer, which in turn help a
wide variety of cancer patients. Donations also go to patient services. Feel free to cut and paste the
info below into your fundraising letters and emails to show exactly how donations help patients and
their families:

$50 will register 1 person to be a bone marrow donor.

$75 will provide HLA (bone marrow) typing for a family member of a patient with leukemia.

$100 will pay for the cost of 4 patients’ chemotherapy drug prescription co-payments.

$300 will train 25 peer volunteers who can provide emotional support to newly diagnosed

$1000 allows patients to meet with health care specialists to design and discuss their disease,
treatment plan, and prepare them with the info they will need during the treatment process.

$2000 provides patients with a one month supply of Gleevec, a life-saving treatment developed
with LLS funding.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1st Pre-Season Run!

I'm doing my first half-marathon! And not just a half-marathon, a half marathon after running a total of 7miles over the two prior days!  Tonight was the first run I completed as part of the Endless Summer series! I met a ton of former TNTers that had done other events such as the San Diego Marathon weekend in the summer and past Miami or Philly marathoners.  Didn't see a single familiar face, but that's okay.  Today's a TNT Triathlon team happy hour, so maybe i"ll go to that for all the familiar faces!

Incredibly tired after a hard workout with my physical trainer yesterday, and a 4mile run today.  Feeling good though!  If I could be sore everyday of my life, I think it would be a good thing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Second 10-miler, completed!

I've completed my second Battle of Brooklyn, 10-mile run, with a few personal bests!

  • Longest distance continuous, no walking
  • Best pace for distance over 3miles
  • Best pace for 10 miler
  • Best feeling after finishing it all!
Here's a fun little finisher's photo taken at the Grand Army Plaza promenade post-race.  (That's Dave behind me, my team captain from the triathlon who also did this race. We did this race in 2010 after the triathlon.)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brooklyn Bridge Swim 2012!

I attempted to do my first cross-channel swim on July 15th.  Yes, that would be exactly 8 days after I finished my second Olympic-distance New York City Triathlon.  I figured, hey, I've been training for 6 months, why not throw in another little bonus challenge at the end?

The distance was 2/3rds the distance of the NYC Tri, and I was hoping to finish with a similar time, but those cross-currents and actually swimming against the current really messed me up.  I felt like a minnow in a giant river, going nowhere, but wow, it was a fantastic view.  One of the coaches from TNT had recommended that I take a look up when I crossed under the bridge, and it was really cool to see.  I think of  pretty much all of my friends, I might be the only person who has done this race.  My friend, Liz, who lives in Australia, has said that she wants to come back to NYC for this race next year, so the challenge is on!

I finished the 1K swim in 31minutes in the 89th percentile, sigh.  I'll live to swim another day, but it's good to remind myself that I can't just take my body for granted.  Next time I'm going to really prepare my mind and body to hit that water, and not psych myself out AND not swim like a triathlete trying to conserve energy in a race that only is one discipline.

Next up, the Battle of Brooklyn, 10-miler in mid-August!

Friday, July 13, 2012

NYC Triathlon 2012 - COMPLETED!

I finished, and I survived, and I conquered!
July 8th, 2012 -- I finished my second New York City Triathlon, beating my old time by 9minutes.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for your awesome support this season.  It's been a fantastic season with personal bests, new friends, and a lot of renewed pride and confidence in my self and my abilities.  Thanks for sticking it through with me!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Race week!

I can't believe it is almost here! Yesterday, we had our last swim practice which included us doing our final practices in the swim start (simulations of jumping into the hudson river...!). It's definitely becoming real now, and it is now officially time to taper down our workouts. No cramming for this triathlon!!

Weight loss total to date equals 20lbs, and i think my tri suit doesnt actually even fit right anymore. I am really thinking about continuing to train for additional races after this one, such as a sprint tri or a half marathon!

Friday, June 29, 2012

This year, I'll do better.

My goal this year, as I've said before is to do better than my 2010 Triathlon time.  One of the sore points for me was my inability to keep my speed up on my swim, bike, and sort of for my run.  In 2010, here was my breakout:

2010 Breakout:
Swim: 25.36 min
Transition 1:  10:04 min
Bike: 1:47:42 min
Transition 2: 4:10min (I somehow managed to change outfits, too, in this time)
Run: 1:13:40 min

2012 Goals:

Swim: 23 minutes
Transition 1:  9min
Bike: 1:40 min
Transition 2: 4min (I'll have to change from bike shoes now)
Run: 1:05 min

= 3 hours and 22 minutes.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I wanted to quickly thank EVERYONE who has supported me in my fundraising and has donated to this awesome cause!

You are all amazing people to have in my life, and I am truly grateful.

If you're in NYC, I hope you'll come out to watch me race on July 8th! I'll be putting together an invite on Facebook when I find some free time (when I'm not working, working out, or sleeping to recover from either, lol!)

Much love,

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Millions of Opinions, opinions for free...

I got me some new kicks, and I'm desperately trying to wear them in.  So far, I haven't been successful, but I still think I have some time (less than 3 weeks!).

They look just like these ones, except per the recommendation of my coaches, I swapped out the laces for "quick-laces", which really means they have a plastic drawstring on them.  I still have to figure out how to use these, since I think I'm tying them way to tight, and totally killing my circulation.

The woman at Super Runners was trying to sell me on the Kayanos, which I thought were way to big at the toe box, and the woman at NY Running Company also tried to sell me on the Kayanos ($150), but said that I should be literally 2 sizes up in size. There is no way that suddenly I'm a Size 10.5, when I've always worn 9.5 sneakers, and wear 8.5/9s in regular women's shoes.

Anyway, the specifics of all these things are beginning to make my head hurt.  Changing my bike inner tubes on Saturday was a similar story of a million different opinions or ways to do things, and one frustrated Sarah. :)  Luckily, everyone was super helpful, and didn't mind that I seemed like I was about to go off the deep end, between trying to determine how much air was appropriate for my tubes before I reattached my tires back onto the wheels.  Everyone was freely sharing their opinions on what I needed to do next, even though I thought I might lose it.  No wonder I haven't done a Flat-Tire workshop before!  Anyway, its swim practice on Monday night that will probably help me get my nerves down again.  I'm hoping we do another continuous swim!

Happy Father's Day to my fantastic father who is visiting and staying with me!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Coney Island Open Water Swim

First open water swim practice! Above is a pic of our coach speaking to the team at 7am on Saturday morning!  It was a great swim + run, which involved a 40 minute swim and a 45minute run!  I feel like I'm in a really great place with training.

Less than 1 month till the New York City Triathlon!!!

Below is a pic from after the workout -- 
tired, hungry, and trying to avoid Nathan's Hot Dogs! 

To date, I've lost about 18lbs since the beginning of April!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Less than 5 weeks till the NYC Triathlon!

Its exactly 30 days till the NEW YORK CITY TRIATHLON!!!!

Yesterday, I took my first full workout break in 12 days (May 25th).  Why would I do such a thing? I'm finally learning the value of rest, and realizing that while it the peak time of my training, I need to be a smart athlete. Problem with taking a break is that I really cut loose (watched a Broadway show with my friends, enjoyed more than 1 glass of wine, you get the picture.)  Tonight, I have more 'cutting loose' to do with a group of industry friends, but I'm going to do my very very best to be smart about it.

I have about $200 left to fundraise, and I'm feeling STRONG!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I can do this!

Yesterday's practice was brutal, but it gave me the reassurance that I can do this!!!

We biked 23.33 miles in Prospect Park yesterday (7 loops), and I probably could have kept going. We also ran for about 45 minutes, though I didn't get all that far because my calves were cramping up. This was a serious week of workouts, and from Saturday to today, i have worked-out (or sweated by bowling 6 games in 1.5hrs) 7 of 8 days. Today I went to a dahn yoga class which was interesting, but another nice way to change things up.

I can do this!! I am now officially and staying within a healthy BMI, even though the self-imposed no alcohol decree has been lifted! Go me!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Just keep moving...

I ended up skipping swim practice yesterday. Why? I felt it was important to go to a team event that was happening, I wad feeling sore from the 7mile Tuesday run, and my best friend invited me to join him for his favorite show. I hear you cry, "Excuses!" fear not, i made it up in an insane amount of bowling in 1.5 hours, and far too much lost sweat as I finally made my return to my kickboxing classes today. Just keep moving, I kept telling myself. Its been 6 straight days of working up some sort of sweat. Nice!

Yesterday I bowled 6 games total in 1.5 hours, with a high of 131 (my low was 105, i think). Kickboxing was intense as ever and I was already at a good heart rate 10minutes in with just basic situp-punches.

Tomorrow, I'll let loose a bit as there are two parties happening (maybe I'll do a bit of dancing?), but I'm definitely going to do the 2hr-2.5hr BRick (bike/run combo workout) on Saturday, followed by an afternoon of soccer in the park. I love it when my friends get together for athletic endeavors!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Its hot, its humid...

And I just finished my longest run of the season!!!!! That's right! Tonight I completed a 6.8mile run, which included two loops of what is known as 'Harlem Hill', in 90*F weather, and probably 70% humidity. It was 89* when we started our run at about 6:45pm, and 84* when I finally made it back to the starting point at 8:15pm.

My calves are killing me, but luckily, my MCL is in good shape after all the icing I did this weekend, and swapping out my shoes today for my old 2010 Nikes.

I am still sweating from that workout, and its been an hour and a half since I finished it! Insanity.

Time to award myself with a shower! Tomorrow is swim practice, and I'm looking forward to getting back in the water.


A heartfelt THANK YOU TO Rahul, Mark G, Stephanie W, Patrick S, Kelli, Liz M, Robby K, Jeremy M, Bill, Schwimmer, Repino, and the 40th Street/Right Media team!!!  So far, I've raised almost $1600, which does not include some corporate matching that is going to come through eventually!  I'm almost at my goal, but not quite there yet!

Now I'm going to need to get creative with my fundraising... hm....  Off to my evening run I go!

If my papa can do it...

My father ran a half marathon this weekend! I'm super proud of him, in his 60s to be endeavoring to do something like this.  My mother also did a 10K in this same race, and I'm really proud of her as well, as she is far from being a runner, and I don't think has ever really liked running quite honestly.  The race they ran was called the Sundown Marathon, aka The Midnight Marathon, aka "Light Up The City". I'm really beginning to think about getting into running and maybe doing a half-marathon someday in the near future.

I'm now considering a 'practice' 10K two weeks before the NYC Triathlon. This seems like a good race, and only $25 to register in person in advance.  Its on Governor's Island, and sounds like it will be a pretty nice flat course:  http://www.getoutsidegi.com (Get Outside On Governor's Island!)

The only concern now is this inflammed MCL, and if it will get worse. I've been icing it and deep heating it like no other this weekend!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Milestone weight!

This time around, I am a smarter triathete-in-training. I might still not be eating all my essentials, but I am definitely eating a lot healthier than I was last time around.

In 2010, I probably used to eat a bowl or two of pasta a day, because I was not making time for myself for lunch, and would always end up running across the street for an oversized bowl of pasta which on occasion was both my lunch and dinner, but sometimes was one full meal.

This time around is different. I am trying to be sure I have a breakfast of some sort every day. Lunch consists of grilled chicken, rice, and steamed vegetables, every day. Dinners are lighter now, and I have given up alcohol for the most part. This week I had a few glasses of wine total, but that's been it! I have been so good, and I reached a weight milestone today!

I am now back to a weight that I was four years ago, before I started my sedentary job at Yahoo, and before I discovered that I am a TV addict. :). Things are looking up, and I think I might be able to become a 'real' runner after this! Now I just have to worry about sports-related injuries, and inflamed tendons like my MCL.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wetsuited up again tonight!

Did another swim practice tonight in my wetsuit, and was really adamant on getting it up and done all by myself!

I am really tired though. 5 days straight of some sort of workout, and I'm too tired to function or even eat (and i am starving, but already in bed, lol)

Tomorrow I'll take it easy and enjoy a work happy hour, and maybe even have a little alcohol to let lose! Patrick from work and I schemed together and purchased a case of summer wines. How could I resist? :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I finally made the plunge on Sunday and made my way over to @BicycleHabitat! I now officially have a clipless setup for my bike, with Specialized shoes and Shimano clips and cleats. I had no idea there were so many pieces involved, but I did my research before heading to the shop and I think I looked like I knew what I was talking about. So, goodbye toe cages/clips, and hello clipless! The irony of this is that I'm actually now clipped into my bike, but the history of the terminology goes back to when cyclists only had 2 opens: flat pedals, or the newer alternative of toe 'clips' which are really just cages for your feet to your pedals, but don't involve any direct clipped feature between foot and pedal. The benefit of clipless (so I read) is the direct transference of power between foot and leg to pedal to bike, allowing you to put more power to the pedal!  [The picture is actually the shoes I purchased, though the cleat attachment is slightly different (more plastic) and is a Shimano product to go with the pedals.]

The salesperson, Jackson, was very nice and took the time to sit with me and talk me through my options. He also let me just hang out in the store for a good amount of time with my bike on a trainer (pedaling in place on my bike) clipping in and out of my bike's clips. He said I got the hang out it pretty quick, but that I should continue practicing in front of the TV or have someone hold my handlebars while I clip in and out.

I considered the TV option, but decided to just try out the streets of NYC during pre-rush hour. 20 minutes down the street and back on the bike paths was really good practice. There were a decent number of lights, cars, pedestrians (and kids on their way to school). I got some good clipping and unclipping action in and feel like it was a quick and easy workout! Can't wait to hit the park with this setup and see the difference!

Until next time... Less than 7 weeks left till the NYC Triathlon!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Swimming head-on! Braveheart-style!

Today, we got to wear our wetsuits to swim practice! For a second year, I still have difficulty getting myself into my suit and getting the suit up over my rear. Thankfully, we have coaches who have seen it all and done it all, and will lend a hand if you need it.
We jumped in the pool, acclimated ourselves to our neoprene buoy-suits and did a couple of laps. Then, we practiced some head-on swimming. What's that, you ask? Well, imagine an aquatic-version of Braveheart. Split into two group on diagonal ends of the pool, we were instructed to swim to the opposing corner, through the oncoming traffic. Why? The ensuing mayhem is a perfect illustration of some of the chaos we will experience at the swim start of the New York City Triathlon. Sweet.

Well, I survived to battle another day. I really do like some of these activities the TNT coaches have us do. Also am feeling closer to the Brooklyn crew after finally getting into the groove of practices and going to the Bklyn Pasta Party last week!

I'm going to sleep well tonight...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fantastic Saturday Bike!

We had a fantastic workout yesterday, where I did 6 loops of Prospect Park, equating to 20miles.  In addition to the 5miles it takes me to bike to Prospect Park, it means I biked a total of 30miles on Saturday!  The 20miles took me about 1 hours and 40minutes, which is a pretty good rate based on how I performed in 2010.  This was also the most I've biked this season, and I've been working on my posture, strength, and learning to adjust my gears correctly before making my way up the steep hill at the park.  More to come, but I'm feeling really good about that workout!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cinco de Sicko

Saturday, Cinco de Mayo, I started by day off with a very early BRick (a Bike + Run).  It was a tough bike ride for me (only 10 miles) since it was the first real time I was on my bike. (5mi bike rides don't count) I realize I'm behind for sure.  I didn't realize though, how severely my allergies were reacting, which is probably what made it even tougher.

After a non-alcoholic Cinco de Mayo party, I came home and was in bed by 11pm.  Sunday, I woke up, and couldn't feel my face because my sinuses had gone bonkers with my allergies, and no longer wanted to function.  I ended up staying home from work on Monday, skipping swim and run this week, and today (thursday) was the first day I felt moderately okay enough to do a 20minute workout this morning, but I was still winded.  I'm still phlegmy and congested, but I know I have to try to let it not all go to waste.

How am I going to be able to get up to 4 hours in less than 8 week? Pray for me!!!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Things are finally beginning to click...

Things are finally beginning to click -- they really are.  Monday's swim was pretty good, when I finally learned to scull.  One of the coaches had to physically walk me through the correct motion of sculling (literally, taking control of my wrists and walking me through the motion, lol) and I was able to do it!  Sculling thus far has been the skill lesson that I like to avoid the most, as its painful slow to get up and down the pool, but now it feels like I know what I'm supposed to be doing.

Yesterday's run was another great run.  We did approximately 4 miles, which included 4 loops (or 2miles total) of the Great Lawn.  I did the loops nonstop, and only stopped once on the way back to Columbus Circle because I was feeling a little claustrophobic with a pack of runners all around me, but I was back and at it in a second!  I'd say we ran for about 50 minutes total, with another 30minutes of stretching and talking.

Go team!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Officially registered! See you July 8th!

I'm now officially registered for the NYC Triathlon on July 8th, and I'm inspired to backfill my blog of all my training-related thoughts to date. Before I do that though, I wanted to mention exactly why I'm feeling inspired by the fact that people actually read this stuff.I included my blog URL with my triathlon registration. No big deal, right? No one ever reads that stuff! Wrong.I opened up my email this morning to a message from the traithlon director. He's a big deal, and I've now heard him speak twice about the race and his Team In Training experience (and how he met his wife through it!).  And yes, I went and found a picture of him for my blog :)

Here it is:
Subject: Triathlon #2! and your blog

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for entering your second New York City Triathlon. Great blog but don’t work out with a sinus infection!
Let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you July 8th in the Hudson.

Happy spring training!
John Korff
Korff Enterprises
Organizers of the New York City Triathlon (http://www.nyctri.com)
Organizers of the Ironman U.S. Championship (http://ironmanuschampionship.com)


My sinus infection is finally clearing up this week (that lasted waaaaay too long this year), and I'm really getting some good workouts in. I'll update you all soon, but this message from John really inspired me!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Great run!

Fantastic run tonight!  We ran about 4.5miles, which included a loop of the Central Park Reservoir!  Am feeling pumped about the fact that I did not walk once!  So very pleased with myself and ready for another great workout next week!

I now understand why people love running around the reservoir.  The setting sun is fantastic to run to.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring allergies vs. The Big Bad Pool

I was in San Francisco last week for a work conference, and I definitely have been affected by being in 3 climates in the last 2 weeks.  I got home on Thursday late night, and went to the doctor on Friday morning.  Its probably the worst sinus infection I've gotten in the 10+ years I've lived in New York.

Regardless of how my head, throat, chest, and ears felt, I was thrilled to hit the water on Monday.  I really felt good with how I'm progressing with my swim, and I felt like I could swim the race at a pretty good pace.  We did about 15minutes of a continuous swim (a "snake swim") where we snaked our way up and down the alternate lanes of the pull, working our way over and back.  I swam about a pool and a half in the allotted time, and felt really good about myself.  Wish I felt better about my running and biking!  Have to get my bike tuned up at some point soon...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Back for more training!

After a week in Peru and a 3 hour long hike up Waynapicchu (see picture) in Macchu Picchu, I was thrilled to be back in the pool yesterday.

I went to the late night training session for swimming, and was really pumped to be back in the water.  We were working on various skills including swimming without your hands (fists only), and really working on getting a correct stroke, and using our forearms.  Today, I'm sore.  I also possibly may have fractured my toe.  In the excitement of getting time to do 5 minutes continuous in the water, I was really pushing myself and may have kicked the barrier at the very end.  My pinky toe is blue today, and I'm hoping the pain goes away.

I'm feeling healthier than I did before Peru, and I think the hike is to thank! At some point I'll post some pictures from the hike to show you exactly how treacherous the rock stairs were!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Baby steps!

Today was the first group run that I was able to attend. It was a great feeling, sprinting across Columbus Circle to join the swarm of people gathered by the main fountain at the entrance of Central Park. It is moments like this that I need to take more time to stop and take in. I am lucky. I have a blessed life, and I live a pretty awesome New York City life. We gathered in the dimming light of a great New York City sunset, with temperatures in the 70s. We completely missed winter, and the weather was beautiful.

Two years ago when I did the triathlon, there was a man named Ken who I used to see at several workouts, and on more than one occasion, spoke about his reason for doing the NYC Triathlon. His daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkin's, and as a family, they competed in the NYC tri, many tri's ago. I don't even know how many triathlons Ken has done at this point, but both he and his daughter are an inspiration. Today, Ken's daughter spoke during the mission moment. She'll be finishing college this year, and promised to come train with us once she was out of school. She called the triathlon a family event. I think its fantastic.

It is really beginning to feel like that for me. My own little NYC family of people of all shapes, sizes, colors, personalities, backgrounds, etc. We all have our stories, and we are all in the triathlon together. While TNT is a great way to get into shape for an event, it really is a whole lot more, and the fundraising is just one part, but  a major part of it. We are all blessed with the lives we lead, and for most of us, we are disease free, still experiencing life for all its worth, and have the flexibility to do anything. I'm happy to say that I have personally donated to the cause of LLS, and know that I really am a part of saving lives.

Today, we ran about 30minutes at a slow jog, before stopped in the open parking lot behind what once was the most fantastic location of a NYU semi-formal I went to (Tavern on the Green).  Again, more surrealness.  We did a half hour of lunges, squats, and baby running steps. (Literally, we ran in place, barely taking our feet of the ground, for a good 10 minutes.)  Then we did the same motion, edging forward across the parking lot, looking like a bunch of crazies moving in slow motion horizontally, and yet our feet moving at incredibly fast paces. We focused on relearning what its like to run and our foot placement, and really focused on those small details.  This time around, I'm really going to try to be the best I can be.  No cutting corners, no partying like a mad woman on a Saturday night and thereby nullifying all the hardwork I would have done that morning.  I'm in it, 2012, and I'm going to really invest in myself here.  It might take baby steps, and relearning everything I ever thought was right, but I'm really excited about what I can do.

Fun metrics of the day:

  • Third day straight of working out for more than 30minutes (not sure when I last did this - 2010?)
  • 1 day till my parents get here, and 3 days till my brother gets here, and...
  • 3 days till I leave for Peru, with my entire immediate family & one lucky cousin!
  • Fundraising is at 5% (I get an alumni discount on how much I have to raise, so I'm getting to that $2650 goal!)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

First run of the season!

It has been really cold out these last couple of days, and with my seasonal winter ashthma, I have been making what the coaches call 'smart healthy decisions' to opt out of running outside. I've also been making excuses on how to get out of running indoors as well, ie cleaning my apt inside of running because of the impending visit from my parents and my upcoming trip to Peru requires more of my focus.

With that thought, I willed myself out of bed this morning to go for my first run! I am thrilled at how I paced:

1 mile = 8min 33sec
2 miles = 17min 58sec
3 miles = 28min 19sec
Overall pace = 9.4min/mile

I slowed down a little since it has probably been about 2 years since I ran 3miles (lame, I know), but I also had set the machine to cool down for the last 5minutes!!

You know you never regret a workout, and this one definitely makes me confident that I am going to have a really strong triathlon season!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


It's official, the triathlon traing season has officially micked off! And I am officially signed up for the NYC Triathlon!

So far I haven't done a whole lot of training yet, but I am prepping my body for a serious 15 weeks of training. I'm definitely eating better and Monday was the first swim practice. I am okay and can do the lengths but I was getting shooting cramps up my toes, feet and lower legs, and it was definitely not a good feeling.

Regardless, I am in it for this amazing cause, and my goal this year is to be a smarter, better athlete, and really commit to the workouts and the schedule. Who knows, this may be the year that I even begin to look like a triathlete!

Its good to see a lot of the old friends and faces back...
Kelli and Mo are both back in Brooklyn, and former colleague, Mark is my mentor this year. Lonergan, who was a first timer with me in 2010 is back as our super energetic co-captain, so I know having them all together is going to motivate me to do well. Of course, not everyone is back (jeanne, i already miss you!) but I am going to make the best of this season, even with all the traveling I have coming up!

That's all for now!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Kicking myself into shape!

So, its true, i ended up not doing the triathlon last year, and pretty much since April 2011, stopped working out altogether. 2012 will be the year that i reclaim back my life in many ways. In this time of reflection (as january is for most people), i have decided to sign up for a variety of activities to kick myself (literally!) into shape. Today, i took my first kickboxing class, and it was a reminder of how much of a natural athlete i am. Igot somekudos from the MMA teacher, snd really felt great walking out of thst class after learning how to do jabs, hooks, roundhouse and side kicks. There is a feeling of empowerment that i am riding on right now, that i think also come from being a single woman in a large city. With my boxing gloves in tow, i left the class feeling reslly good. I have also signed up for a course tsught by an Israeli army trainer, and plan on taking as many classes as i can before it time to kick into gesr with triathlon training.

The fun runs have already started for triathlon alumnus, but i might hold off till it warms up a bit more. In the meanwhile, i think israeli army training tactics and kickboxing will keep me plenty busy. :) thats all for now. Until next time!