I got me some new kicks, and I'm desperately trying to wear them in. So far, I haven't been successful, but I still think I have some time (less than 3 weeks!).
They look just like these ones, except per the recommendation of my coaches, I swapped out the laces for "quick-laces", which really means they have a plastic drawstring on them. I still have to figure out how to use these, since I think I'm tying them way to tight, and totally killing my circulation.
The woman at Super Runners was trying to sell me on the Kayanos, which I thought were way to big at the toe box, and the woman at NY Running Company also tried to sell me on the Kayanos ($150), but said that I should be literally 2 sizes up in size. There is no way that suddenly I'm a Size 10.5, when I've always worn 9.5 sneakers, and wear 8.5/9s in regular women's shoes.
Anyway, the specifics of all these things are beginning to make my head hurt. Changing my bike inner tubes on Saturday was a similar story of a million different opinions or ways to do things, and one frustrated Sarah. :) Luckily, everyone was super helpful, and didn't mind that I seemed like I was about to go off the deep end, between trying to determine how much air was appropriate for my tubes before I reattached my tires back onto the wheels. Everyone was freely sharing their opinions on what I needed to do next, even though I thought I might lose it. No wonder I haven't done a Flat-Tire workshop before! Anyway, its swim practice on Monday night that will probably help me get my nerves down again. I'm hoping we do another continuous swim!
Happy Father's Day to my fantastic father who is visiting and staying with me!!