Thursday, April 26, 2012

Officially registered! See you July 8th!

I'm now officially registered for the NYC Triathlon on July 8th, and I'm inspired to backfill my blog of all my training-related thoughts to date. Before I do that though, I wanted to mention exactly why I'm feeling inspired by the fact that people actually read this stuff.I included my blog URL with my triathlon registration. No big deal, right? No one ever reads that stuff! Wrong.I opened up my email this morning to a message from the traithlon director. He's a big deal, and I've now heard him speak twice about the race and his Team In Training experience (and how he met his wife through it!).  And yes, I went and found a picture of him for my blog :)

Here it is:
Subject: Triathlon #2! and your blog

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for entering your second New York City Triathlon. Great blog but don’t work out with a sinus infection!
Let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you July 8th in the Hudson.

Happy spring training!
John Korff
Korff Enterprises
Organizers of the New York City Triathlon (
Organizers of the Ironman U.S. Championship (


My sinus infection is finally clearing up this week (that lasted waaaaay too long this year), and I'm really getting some good workouts in. I'll update you all soon, but this message from John really inspired me!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Great run!

Fantastic run tonight!  We ran about 4.5miles, which included a loop of the Central Park Reservoir!  Am feeling pumped about the fact that I did not walk once!  So very pleased with myself and ready for another great workout next week!

I now understand why people love running around the reservoir.  The setting sun is fantastic to run to.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring allergies vs. The Big Bad Pool

I was in San Francisco last week for a work conference, and I definitely have been affected by being in 3 climates in the last 2 weeks.  I got home on Thursday late night, and went to the doctor on Friday morning.  Its probably the worst sinus infection I've gotten in the 10+ years I've lived in New York.

Regardless of how my head, throat, chest, and ears felt, I was thrilled to hit the water on Monday.  I really felt good with how I'm progressing with my swim, and I felt like I could swim the race at a pretty good pace.  We did about 15minutes of a continuous swim (a "snake swim") where we snaked our way up and down the alternate lanes of the pull, working our way over and back.  I swam about a pool and a half in the allotted time, and felt really good about myself.  Wish I felt better about my running and biking!  Have to get my bike tuned up at some point soon...