Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 5 Completed!: 4 successful workouts!

This week, I can honestly say that I got 4 workouts in. The goal will be to continue to push through with this. I know I've been slacking off with last week, but now its time to really focus.

Sunday, I was invited to play on a different soccer team, with one of the guys I used to play with. It was a full 45 minute game, with a warm-up before. It was definitely a lot of sprinting, as these guys had actually made it to the semi-finals but were in need of girls for their game.

Monday, I went to swim practice, where we continued to learn our sculling technique, and began to learn another motion, though I can't remember the name. It was little bit of a flutter kick, where you kick hard once to propel yourself as you are breathing on the opposite side, and its supposed to use less energy. I haven't gotten into the pool beyond my weekly training classes, so I know I need to get on this.

Tuesday would have been the day for my group run, but I have guests from Finland, so I opted to run home right after work to go meet up with them (they were already in my apartment which they had headed to straight from the airport).

Wednesday, I did a quick 20 minute workout on the treadmill, with a few squats, lunges, and crunches on top of that. Is that a real workout? Possibly not, but with the amount of time I can squeeze into my schedule this week, I'll take it for what it is... an increased heart-rate, and maybe a little boost to my metabolism!

Thursday and Friday, I took it easy as I took on the role of Sarah the NYC tour guide.

Saturday, I went to group bike training practice, where we reviewed how to clean your bike chain, and check your tires for debris. After which, I got to bike Prospect Park for the first time ever! Its really not that long of a loop, but there is a bit of a steep incline. I was biking on the mountain bike, and assume that ones I get a road bike, I'll really be able to take that hill by storm. I biked to Prospect from my apt, did about 2 loops of the park before my legs started cramping, and then headed back to my apt before my legs fully gave out under me. Using Google Maps, I mapped out my bike route to a little over 15 miles. I'll admit I like that Google Maps knows where the bike-safe routes are, and is able to map you. It definitely made feel less nervous as I was heading to/from practice. I also met another triathlete who finished her workout around the same time, and we biked back together as she (Ellen) lives in West Carroll Garden on Hicks and Bergen.

Overall it was a good week -- I just have to work on my endurance and stamina!

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