It's a cold and rainy day in New York, I'm still working, but it's okay, because I know I'll have my Team In Training family to run with tomorrow AM, and for a million Wednesdays and Saturdays to come. We run together, we cry together, we brunch together, and we do it for an awesome cause... killing cancer every step of the way.
[Picture is from a 5-miler I recently did at Central Park. I was in the 6000s wave, and honestly unexpectedly managed to PR and pass a ton of people in the 5000s. This is my happy running face. :) ]
A year ago, I was hurt, I couldn't run, and my ankle looked like an elephant's foot (soccer game sprain, some of you will remember me screaming bloody murder!). This year, I'm running faster than ever, I have a confidence that makes me question how I ever thought it wasn't possible to feel like this again, and when I take a second to sit down, breathe, and think about everything I've accomplished physically and mentally, I know that most of my happiness and better outlook on life is from Team In Training. (I can't go saying my pre-TNT friends haven't made my life better!) It's been a whirlwind year with a ton of emotion and wildness, but Team In Training is really what keeps me grounded, balanced, and smiling while I run.
I donate to Team In Training on a regular basis now. It's being a part of my life and a part of who I am and who my friends are.
Support the amazing cause, kill cancer with me, and feel better all the while. :) And... come join me for a run, or a swim or a bike ride!
PS. I'm now officially signed up for every single race I mentioned I'd be racing in 2014.
New Orleans Half Marathon, Mont Tremblant 70.3 Half Ironman, NYC Triathlon, and NYC Marathon.