Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cherry Tree 10 miler - it feels good be alive!!!

Seriously. Today's race felt like it was never going to end, but I kept pushing myself to just keep going, and remember that I've run this exact race route twice before with the Battle of Brooklyn 2010 and 2012.

I wore compression socks for the first time, but opted to only go with one pair of running pants which may have resulted in me feeling distracted as I felt myself freezing between hip and knee.

(Side note: I recently purchased a pair of Zoot Ultra Compression socks from an GearUp sale. I strongly recommend becoming an Advantage member to get 15% off at the GearUp store. Highly recommend the socks and the membership!)

I think next time, I'll wear the comp socks plus a thicker pair of running tights since even though the pairs I have are lined with fleece or something on the inside, it just doesn't work for this weather.

And then there was nutrition. Did I mention that this might have been my worst race experience ever? In a last minute decision at bag check, I started searching for Chapstick to put into my running belt, and I have no idea how I missed it, but my trusty nutrition did not make it back into my belt pocket. By mile 5, I was really feeling it, and by mile 7 I was considering picking up someone's unfinished Gu pack (rest assured, I did not decide to test my immune system with that but it definitely crossed my mind when I passed a single, lonely Clif Block. :)

Final time: 1 hour, 45 minutes and 52 seconds, yielding a 10:35/mile pace. My ankle has been acting up, as well as my back and my knees so I am taking it easy the rest of the day. No matter what, no matter how I felt like I was running on fumes, today proved to me that I can really run my own race and my own pace and feel like a champion!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Beyond Bermuda!

Me & My Trusty Shoes!
Greetings from a very chilly, and somewhat snowy NYC!

I found a picture from after the Bermuda Half-Marathon day, and thought I'd share it! It's me, with my TNT pride, showing off the shoes that took me all the way through the Bermuda Half Triangle Challenge!!!

This week, I did my first run with NYRR -- it was a Superbowl-themed 4miler in Central Park, in 25*, and yesterday, I did my first run with the NYC Triathlon team for the July 14th race!  We've got plenty of time (it was only 30*, so not as bad as Sunday), and it was a nice and easy run.

Courtesy of my Garmin Connect (from my watch/shoe)

Collage tradition continued!